This town is the southcoast’s best kept secret

It would be easy to miss Mossy Point on the NSW south coast. Blink and you couldzip right by the sliver of a town as you cruise George Bass Drive on the way southfrom Batemans Bay. Cradled by the Tomaga River to the north and CandlaganCreek to the south, the hamlet sits along a coastline that has remained largelyunder the radar – unless you’re from Canberra.
Its secret status might also be due to Google Maps’ failure to register some of itsnewer roads, as I realise on my drive to The Oaks Ranch. I end up on a gravel route,which quickly turns to dirt and ends with a locked gate. Mercifully, all is well after acall to reception and a shared moment with a kangaroo, watching as I lock the gatebehind me.
I’ve come in on the old road, I’m told. “Wait until you see the main entrance,” thebubbly Jess tells me over the phone. I roll down the grand, tree-lined driveway, donkeys in a paddock to my right and golfers returning to their buggies on my left,as the Spanish Mission-style guesthouse comes into view.
“My boyfriend grew up in Moruya and used to come here for class trips and horseriding,” Jess tells me, pressing a welcome drink tinged with rosemary and lime intomy hand. “It used to have purple walls and colourful bed sheets.”